Monday, January 14, 2008

A Class Act

After a quarter century, I have returned to the hallowed halls of higher education. For sometime I debated whether I possess the required fortitude. Despite praise and prompting from my loving and complimenting other, I continued to procrastinate. This Christmas may prove to be the most significant in my developing career as a photographer. I unwrapped last, the smallest of my gifts. A completed enrollment form for a college course for photography. You had the faith I lacked to leap, Thank you Angela for the push. I love you!
I was so excited, but there was a little anxiety, and it grew marginally as I drove closer to the college. But as I walked from the dark parking lot toward the lighted doors of the school, the nervousness faded. And as it faded a pride grew. I strode through the corridors with zeal and found room 110 easily. I opened the door without apprehension and entered the empty room. The neatly ordered rows of desks, the black boards the lectern. I am very happy. And for the first time in my amazing life, I claimed the front desk without the insistance of the teacher.

gregory f osborne